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Being raised in the Los Angeles area certainly had its advantages: it is a city full of artists, galleries, and museums. But as a shy kid, I found other parts of the city less enticing. The chaos of bustling bodies, bumper to bumper traffic, LA is a giant, frenzied shopping mall. One of the places I found calm was in art.  Drawing and painting has always offered a voice for me where my own has failed. I waslost for hours creating narratives through line and shape. 

       I'm forever grateful for the support I received in these endeavors. I come from a family of many artists: my maternal and paternal grandfathers, my parents, all painters and writers by trade. They saw artistry as a gift in this world, and encouraged me to investigate it. I spent much time in my mother's art studio, chock full of diverse materials to explore.

         This past winter, I graduated from Vassar College in upstate New York with a degree in environmental studies. I've had the privilege there of taking independent studies in scientific illustration, studying general ornithological structures one semester, delving into the flora and fauna of my current home in North West Oregon during another. These courses, along with more traditional painting and Earth science studies, allowed me to explore art as science, and science as art, two areas I’ve come to believe are necessarily intertwined, breathing life into one another. My passion for environmentalism has deeply influenced much of my artwork, and inspired me to explore the intersectionality between activism, the arts, and sciences. As I move forward, I hope to create art that reflects and draws attention to the issues I see, the thoughts and emotions I experience, and create a dialogue between myself and others. 

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